Ms Da solitary paradise: July 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007

「 Ms Da Yakking Away At 11:56 pm
0 freaking screams!

Osim Triathlon 2007

Guess what dear and I did today? Woke up at 5 am to volunteer for the OSIM Singapore Triathlon at East Coast Park! I nearly couldn't get up cos I slept at 1 plus last night. Luckily, dear was there to shake and wake me up. =)

Thanks to the previous night's rain, the reporting area was damn, and I seriously mean DAMN muddy! See for yourself!

Pool of thick, gluey mud. Yucks! Care for a swim, anyone?

Anyway, there was already a lot of people when we arrived. The ICs are supposed to reach there by 4.30am! Gosh so early! But no choice, cos today's elite category starts around 7.30am. So we need time to organise and arrange to ensure everything goes smoothly.

My 'uniform' for the day!

My volunteer pass.

My initial position was suppose to be at the volunteer tent. But many didn't turned up so I was assigned as a crossing point marshal instead. Basically the job is to stop people from crossing the tracks when the racers are approaching.

It started raining heavily halfway through the race; we had no choice but to stop the race. I was actually directing the racers under the freezing rain. Brrrgg.. It's kinda sad to see the angry and disappointed expressions on the racers' face. But it's safer to stop, isn't it? The race restarted after 20 mins; those who were halfway through the race got their distance shorten by half. =)

I left early due to some other commitments. But I got $20 reimbursement, and I will received a certificate of appreciation (participation) in a months' time.

Other than the valuable experience and memories, I gained a pair of dirty muddy feet. Bleahz..

Saturday, July 28, 2007

「 Ms Da Yakking Away At 11:09 pm
0 freaking screams!

Interesting salsa clips

Groovy Night @ DXO

Jenson, my sec sch friend.

Tertiary Night at Union

Guy on extreme right - Brian - my salsa classmate.

Salsa SuperNova Previews @ Union

My idols - (from left) Boon, Eddie, Luther.

Friday, July 27, 2007

「 Ms Da Yakking Away At 11:56 pm
0 freaking screams!

How to deal with disappointment?

This is my 2nd week at work. Initially I was hoping to grasp everything within the first week, but not all goes smoothly.

For a start, I need to prepare the lithographic charges for the tender documents. The previous lady didn't have any hands-on experience with this so I've to learn it step-by-step on my own, with some help from my boss. It was tough but I managed.

Then comes the accounting system. This is the first time I'm doing full sets accounts, so I'm quite apprehensive of what to expect. Well, the system wasn't too difficult, the challenge is in keying the right amounts in the right places. Key anything wrong and you will have to reverse the entries, creating extra work. So far I haven't made any mistakes, I hope.

Today's challenge is issuing of pay cheques. Seems like the entire office is waiting for me. Under the invisible pressure, I rushed and in the end? Issued 2 cheques wrongly! Wasted paper and time. Gosh, don't know what the boss will say when he sees it. *cross fingers*

Plus, one of my projects is due next Monday and I haven't done much. My head feels like a worn out engine, refusing to work. I've to remind myself the importance of this degree, then I will FORCE myself to start writing. Pathetic, eh? With all the month-end closing and deadlines, I'm starting to feel the stress.

I begin to doubt my own abilities. Am I capable to handle so much work? Can I handle the pressure?

This is my last semester, I really don't want to screw it up. But I like my current job cos it gives me the opportunity to learn and explore, plus I like the location and working environment.

Tough choice. =(

Digress a little..

Every Monday, boss will buy 4 bouquets of roses and I, yes ME, have to arrange them. Being inexperienced, I was pricked by the thorns for many many times. =(

My virgin flower arrangement. =)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

「 Ms Da Yakking Away At 11:38 pm
0 freaking screams!

About my blog..

Those who read my blog should know that I seldom blog about my personal life, unless they're interesting or memorable. Most of my entries are either my feelings and thoughts on certain issues, or articles that I find interesting and wish to share with whoever reads my blog.

But recently, Val commented (as you can see on the tag board) and someone else said my blog is boring. Isn't the blog is a place for the author to 'pen' down whatever he/she wants, be it sharing of personal life or feelings and thoughts about certain issues? Of cos this is how I feel; others might see it differently.

Many use their blogs as a online diary, a place where they can share with others their personal life or day-to-day happenings. There are also some who use their blogs as a channel to exchange recipes, introduce new makan places or simply share experiences with those whom are in similar situations as them.

For me, I choose to make my blog a solitary paradise; only to blog mostly on my feelings and thoughts, or to post interesting articles.

P/S: if you find my blog boring, then dun read lar.

P/P/S: btw, i'm not angry hor.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

「 Ms Da Yakking Away At 10:24 pm
0 freaking screams!

Beautiful Sunday

Went blading with dear today. Can't really remember when was the last time I blade. Most likely in my secondary school days. Gosh that was SO long ago!

Dear in blades, buying subway.

(Tell you a secret. He looks damn shuai when he's blading! Heh.)

My blades. (I think my legs look damn fat!!)

Fell down twice and what you get? Scratches and a big orh chey! =(

Friday, July 20, 2007

「 Ms Da Yakking Away At 11:52 pm
0 freaking screams!

Working again

After 8 months of doing-nothing-constructive-except-watching-anime-and-having-fun-everyday, I've finally found a job. Well not really found, cos this position was recommended by Mavis' mom - Sylvia and of cos, Mavis. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! (Today is the 8th day at work..)

It's an interior design firm near Bugis. I'm the PA - doing accounts, admin and some operation work. Many might see PA as a secretary - helping the boss answer phone calls, remind him of his appointments and making coffee for him. Well, it's true my job does include these (except making coffee - I get it from Killiney kopitiam if needed), but I'm able to learn a lot as well. I'm doing full sets accounts, including payroll and CPF, plus I get in touch with interior designing, which is a BIG plus point. Not that I actually get involved with the designing, but at least I know how the operation is like.

And the office is co-owned by a fashion design company. It's interesting to see how they transformed mere cloth into beautiful clothes. I suspect the boss is gay tho, cos he's damn loud! (sshh, keep it to yourself)

Anyway I'm excited and apprehensive at the same time. Excited is because I finally found a job; but apprehensive of the unknown future and the possible stress from handling both work and studies simultaneously. Not that I never tried that before, just that my final semester is heavily project-based. With all the deadlines from work and studies, I start to wonder if I can really cope..

Anyway, it all comes down to proper time management, isn't it? Oh well, I just have to take one step at a time (zhou yi bu, kan yi bu).

Good luck, Ada!

「 Ms Da Yakking Away At 11:37 pm
0 freaking screams!

Steven Lim VS Xiaxue (and wanbao)

How crappy can he be?! Proud and so full of himself! Even see himeself as handsome..

H-A-N-D-S-O-M-E! Gosh!

Can someone please tell him off and save us all from misery?! F***ing disgusting face and actions! N Super Broken English Lar! *Faint*

P/S: And what's with the chicken pie??

P/P/S: It's SUCK, without the 's'!

P/P/P/S: Seriously, who cares whether you like wanbao or not?

Sunday, July 08, 2007

「 Ms Da Yakking Away At 4:58 pm
0 freaking screams!

First impressions

How people look at you or judge you depends on first impression - your appearance, attire, behavior, body language and speech. All these contribute to how others perceive who you are and how they are going to "label" you.

More importantly, how others look or judge you depend on their string of thoughts or opinions, or as the the experts called it - stereotyping.

Example: people with flat nose are seen as innocent and gullible, while people with tattoos are labeled as gangsters.

Most of the time, these perceptions were wrong.

It is only through interaction would they realize how different you are from what they assume.

Digress a little.

Would you change yourself, behavior or appearance-wise, because of what someone else said?

You are who you are. Why care so much about what others say?

Never change for others. Change for yourself.